Hydrogen-α Gallery
A hydrogen-alpha (Hα) filter is an emission-line filter that isolates the light
from a hydrogen atom that has had its electron raised to the next higher energy level
by absorbing a high-energy photon.
When the electron drops back to its original energy level, a photon of a specific wavelength is emitted.
The images that result from the use of this filter show tremendous detail in the wispy-lacy clouds of
hydrogen gas that make up most nebulae.
The filter used to take these images passes light at the wavelength of 656.3nm, and has a bandpass about 10nm wide.
Select a nebula:
Click on a thumbnail image to see a larger view.
Images acquired with an SBIG STL11000M and TeleVue "is"-series scopes |
M8 |
M17 & IC4701 |
NGC7000 & IC5070 |
NGC6960, NGC6979 & NGC6992 |
IC1318 |
The Lagoon Nebula |
The Omega Nebula |
North America and Pelican Nebulae |
The Entire Veil Nebula |
The Butterfly Nebula |
Sagittarius |
Sagittarius |
Cygnus |
Cygnus |
Cygnus |
M16 |
IC1318 & NGC6888 |
Sh2-54 |
NGC1499 |
IC1396 |
The Eagle Nebula |
The Gamma Cygni & Crescent Nebulae |
Emission Nebulae |
The California Nebula |
The Elephant's Trunk Nebula |
Serpens |
Cygnus |
Serpens |
Perseus |
Cepheus |
IC1805 |
NGC7822 |
LBN667 |
IC1318 |
NGC281 |
The Heart Nebula |
Cederblad 214 |
IC1871 |
The Northern Region |
The Pacman Nebula |
Cassiopeia |
Cepheus |
Cassiopeia |
Cygnus |
Cassiopeia |
Sh2-22 |
IC5068 |
IC443 |
Sh2-101 |
M42 |
LBN 14 |
LBN 328 |
The Jellyfish Nebula |
LBN 168, CED 173 |
The Orion Nebula |
Sagittarius |
Cygnus |
Gemini |
Cygnus |
Orion |
B33 |
NGC3372 |
NGC2069 |
Blank |
Blank |
The Horsehead |
Eta Carina |
The Tarantula Nebula |
Blank |
Blank |
Orion |
Carina |
Dorado |
Images acquired with a Starlight Xpress SXV-H9 |
M8 |
M16 |
M17 |
M20 |
M42 |
The Lagoon Nebula |
The Eagle Nebula |
The Omega Nebula |
The Trifid Nebula |
The Orion Nebula |
Sagittarius |
Serpens |
Sagittarius |
Sagittarius |
Orion |
NGC6992 |
NGC6979 |
NGC6960 |
NGC7000 |
IC5070 |
The Veil Nebula (The Waterfall) |
The Veil Nebula (Pickering's Triangle) |
The Veil Nebula (The Witch's Broom) |
The North America Nebula |
The Pelican Nebula |
Cygnus |
Cygnus |
Cygnus |
Cygnus |
Cygnus |
IC1318 |
NGC7000 & IC5070 |
NGC6888 |
NGC7635 |
Sh2-132 |
Nebulosity around Gamma Cygni |
The North America and Pelican Nebulae |
The Crescent Nebula |
The Bubble Nebula |
Sharpless 2-132 |
Cygnus |
Cygnus |
Cygnus |
Cassiopeia |
Cepheus |
Sh2-142 |
Sh2-155 |
NGC7293 |
NGC281 |
NGC2237 |
Sharpless 2-142 |
The Cave Nebula |
The Helix Nebula |
The Pac Man Nebula |
The Rosette Nebula |
Cepheus |
Cepheus |
Aquarius |
Cassiopeia |
Monoceros |
NGC2264 & Sh2-273 |
NGC3372 |
M27 |
M1 |
NGC7635, NGC7538 & Sh2-159 |
The Christmas Tree Cluster and the Cone Nebula |
The Eta Carina Nebula |
The Dumbell Nebula |
The Crab Nebula |
Bubble Nebula Region |
Monoceros |
Carina |
Vulpecula |
Taurus |
Cassiopeia/Cepheus |
IC405 |
IC410 |
IC417 |
Sh2-171 |
Sh2-242 |
The Flaming Star Nebula |
Blank |
Blank |
Cederblad 214 |
Blank |
Auriga |
Auriga |
Auriga |
Cepheus |
Taurus |
Images acquired with other scope/camera combinations |
Simeis 147 |
Gum 12 |
NGC2359 |
SH2-311 |
Abell21 |
Sh2-240 |
The Vela Supernova Remnant |
Thor's Helmet |
NGC2467 |
The Medusa Nebula |
Taurus |
Vela |
Canis Major |
Puppis |
Gemini |